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District Activation Report

Start tracking teachers' progress toward activation

Alona avatar
Written by Alona
Updated over 2 years ago

Activation is an essential step in your district’s onboarding. That’s why keeping track of the activation rates is important to ensure successful implementation of Happy Numbers. This report displays teacher and student progress toward activation in all schools in your district that use Happy Numbers.

Teacher Activation is a 4-step process that starts when a teacher receives an invitation to Happy Numbers and logs into their account. It continues through the student Placement Test and is complete when students begin learning with Happy Numbers. The report shows admins the step of the activation process a teacher is currently on, so admins can assist them or encourage them to use their Premium access.

Students achieve activation status when they complete the Placement Test and solve at least one task from the assigned curriculum.

How to Read the Activation Report

The report consists of two main sections: diagrams with district-wide teacher and student activation rates, and tabs with details on activation at both the school and grade level.

Upper Diagrams

The diagrams display two primary metrics: teacher activation rate and student activation rate (district-wide).

In the teacher section, admins can see the overall activation rate as a percentage: number of activated teachers divided by the number of teachers rostered to the platform. An activated teacher is one who has at least 70% of students having solved 1 task after the Placement Test.

The student activation section shows an overall student activation rate based on the number of rostered students and the number of activated students. An activated student is one who completed the Placement Test and solved at least 1 task in the curriculum. Since there is no Placement Test in PreK, these students only need to solve 1 task from the beginning of the curriculum to complete activation.

Show By School Filter

The tab below the diagrams provides admins with detailed data on how individual schools progress through activation. By default, all schools are sorted by ascending teacher and student activation rate.

Below is an example of class data admins can find by clicking the arrow to expand data for an individual class.

  1. 41% of teachers are activated in Happy School 1.

  2. 32 teachers are rostered in Happy School 1.

  3. 24 out of 32 rostered teachers visited the website and completed registration.

  4. 20 out of 32 rostered teachers created a class and added students.

  5. 13 out of 32 rostered teachers have 70% of students completed Placement Test and solved at least one task.

  6. 67% of students have completed the Placement Test and solved at least one task.

  7. 169 students have completed the Placement Test and solved at least one task; therefore,169 out of 253 students have been activated.

  8. By clicking on the arrow, you will see which teacher is currently at which activation step.

  9. By clicking on the icon, you will enter the school admin account (to learn what report options Happy Numbers teachers have, please check the Help Center School Admin Reports section).

  10. This teacher is rostered in Happy School 2.

  11. Teacher has set up a class in Grade 4.

  12. Teacher visited the website and completed registration.

  13. Teacher created a class and added students.

  14. Over 70% of students completed the Placement Test and solved at least 1 task.

  15. 10 students have solved at least one task; therefore, 10 out of 23 students have been activated.

By clicking on the icon, you will enter the teacher’s Happy Numbers account. The teacher dashboard will give you insight into each student’s individual weekly and yearly progress.

Show By Grade Filter

The tab displays teacher and student activation data grouped by grade level.

The tab structure is the same as Show By School. It includes the option to click the arrow to expand data for each grade.

To learn more about the District Admin Activation Report or request help, please contact us at or via live chat.

Happy Learning!

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