The Happy Numbers program is research-based and meets the evidence standards outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), specifically aligning with Tier 3 'Promising Evidence.' A study conducted in 2023 examined the results of kindergarten and grade 1 students from the previous school year (2021-2022) and found a positive and statistically significant relationship between Happy Numbers usage and end-of-year math scores. Click to see the Happy Numbers ESSA Tier III research highlights and the full report.
The 2022-2023 study provides results for grade 2-5 students. Both the ESSA Tier III research highlights and the full report are available through the included links.
Our pedagogy is based on solid research in teaching math and time-tested approaches to instruction. We scaffold learning by providing just the right amount of guidance and practice to keep students in their Zone of Proximal Development, moving them toward ever-more complex math skills.
Our essential practices are:
We use a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract model at each grade. Each student’s individual learning pathway involves different types of exercises that use the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract model of education.
We keep students in the Zone of Proximal Development. Our unique scoring system ensures students don't click through exercises without understanding.
We provide immediate feedback. In the case of a mistake, students continue working independently thanks to immediate feedback represented by friendly tips and color-coded hints. At the same time, we avoid over-instruction to keep motivation and interest high.
Check our recent research to see how Happy Numbers personalized instruction impacts student math achievement👇
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