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How can I set the Weekly Targets?

Personalized Data for Your Math Instruction

Alona avatar
Written by Alona
Updated over a year ago

By default, we set the recommended weekly time limit for every grade. However, there could be circumstances such as lack of time or a limited number of devices that can influence the time your students spend working with Happy Numbers. On top of that, every student learns at a different pace, and while we do keep track of their progress and come up with data to support your instruction, you are the one who knows every detail about your class. 

It’s important that the targets we set for students are achievable, so we have introduced a feature that enables you to adjust the weekly target of your whole class or of each student individually. To access this functionality, tap Other in the Menu Bar and select Time Target

In the first column you will see your students, divided by grade. The second column shows each student’s average time spent using Happy Numbers over the last 8 weeks.


Each circle corresponds to one week. You can get detailed info on the dates and the time spent by hovering over the circle. Each circle is colored depending on the fulfillment of the Weekly Target.

To the right of the colored circles is the average time spent by the student in Happy Numbers in the last 8 weeks. 

The column furthest to the right shows the Weekly Target set for each student. The Weekly Target is assigned by default according to our recommendations, but you can always change it. To make a change for the whole class, choose the pen near the column header.

To make a change for an individual student, tap on the pen in that student’s row.

If our default weekly targets don’t fit your class for some reason, set the ones that do! 


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