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Student Activity Stream

Activity stream class overview, class details, individual student report

Lera avatar
Written by Lera
Updated over 9 months ago

The Activity Stream is a clearly-structured report for teachers to use in assessing student progress, providing feedback to students, or sharing information with parents!
We explain how to access and interpret data at 3 different levels — class overview, class details, and individual — to drive your instruction with useful, actionable data.

Class Overview

How is the class doing in general?
How does one student compare to others?

When you visit the Activity Stream in your Happy Numbers account, you will now see a general overview of how your class is doing. The class overview will help you quickly identify who has and has not been working during the chosen time period.

It provides at-a-glance information that allows you to compare the engagement and progress of different students in your class in terms of time spent, exercises completed, and accuracy.

How might this report inform instructional decisions?
By identifying those students who are moving more slowly, you can plan proper intervention. If you find there is a student who spent lots of time but completed fewer activities, you might check in with that student during work time to determine the problem. A student who appears to be progressing more quickly than the rest of the group may need to be moved to a more advanced group.

Student Details

What did an individual student accomplish during a time period?
Once you’ve seen the class overview, there will likely be some students whose data you’ll want to look at more closely.

By clicking the “show details” option in the blue bar, you can expand the class report to show data on individual topics and exercises for each student.

You can now see each student’s time and accuracy within each specific exercise as well as an exercise-by-exercise breakdown of what has been completed and what hasn’t. It’s a longer report than the Class Overview, but it will help you understand more thoroughly how your students are doing:

It is valuable in finding variations that don’t show up on the Class Overview. Is a student with a low overall score struggling with all topics or is there just one certain topic that needs reinforcement? Has the student begun several exercises without completing them? This report will also help you see trends within ability groups in greater detail. Perhaps group 2 is ready for more challenging exercises or just one student needs to be moved to group 3.

Individual Topic Report

How far has an individual student progressed through the Happy Numbers course? Use the drop-down menu to select an individual student and you can access a full report on their activity:

This report is useful for conferring with students or sharing with parents because it only presents information on that one student. One of the most useful features of this report for teachers to share with students is the exercises that have been marked “Completed” and those that have not. Teachers can also use the information to individualize instruction – you may need to bring the student back to unfinished exercises, provide intervention in an area of weakness, or assign new exercises.

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